1. What's your favorite colour?
I love greens (not bottle green though - the lighter greens) and chocolate brown, for myself.
2. What's your favorite item to sew?
Anything quick and easy.
3. What items other people have made would you have loved to have done yourself?
I LOVE Candi's Ottobre dress that was in her last signature. And from the point of view of having a boy, I loved Clair's cowboy shirt that she made a while back for her DS (for something different).
4. What takes your fancy in the notions world? Rik Rack? Ribbons? Trim??
Not that I have used it, but velvet ribbon.
5. What is your fabric weakness?
I have to agree with Shibley and say Reprodepot fabrics. I just love the prints.
6. What's one thing you haven't tried but would like to?
A shirt for James, like Clair's cowboy shirt.
7. Is there any patterns that you like in particular?
8. How long have you been sewing for?
Probably since I was about 10. Mum sews a bit, so I learnt a bit from her, and then at school.
9. What size are your kids?
James is size 1.
10. Do you like quick projects or projects that take a little longer to finish?
Quick, I get bored with the longer ones.
11. What do you hope to do with your sewing in the future? Selling/Sell more/keep as hobby etc/Design....?
I would love to sell, but need the time to sew first.
12. What is your favourite time of year?
Holiday time - whenever that is.... And I love a traditional spring (not the 'fake' spring we are having this year).
13. What is your favorite type of fabric?
100% Cotton Woven fabric, all different weights are fine.
14. What is you least favourite fabric to sew with?
Slinky knits
15. Do you have any christmas traditions?
Hmmm, lunch at my parents place, generally cause they have a pool, just in case we ever have a Christmas Day hot enough to use it. And the Christmas tree has to go up as soon as possible. I love my fake Christmas tree!
16. What frustrates you about sewing?
Simply the lack of time that I have to do it.
17. What 'style' do you dress your children in/ which shop clothes do you try to imitate?
Alex and I have worn Esprit for years, and I do like to dress James in that too (although we don't buy it from Australia). I like the new Sprout range that Myer is selling. I bought James a special outfit from Osh Kosh this year, but I find the sizes too big for him. And I LOVE the Woof by Minihaha range (on sale that is)