Layla will be 3 in a couple of months. I only toilet-trained her a month ago. I know, pretty 'late'. But I had such a bad experience with James that I just didn't want to start. I am also a lazy parent. As it turns out, she has been a dream to toilet-train. So good in fact that she has been waking up dry in the morning. Of course the next step would be to take the night nappy of her. Only problem..... she is still in the cot. Once again, that was due to having such a bad experience when we moved James to a bed.
We made the move a week ago. Rather than just jumping out of bed in the morning, we have told her to call out to us. So far it is working. Like most things with Layla, they are just easier. In the mornings, she calls out "Cock-a-doodle-doo" to let us know it is time to get up. Don't ask me where she got that from, but it is hilarious....