Anyway, I have a couple of pictures to share of things made, etc etc.
1. The little patchwork quilt that I completed earlier this year is now in place in the Moses Basket, ready for our baby girl to be born. Only 6 weeks to go now. Although with the crazy weather we have been having, I doubt she will need anything other than a sheet to cover her at night.
2. Next a little dress that I made for above baby girl using the Oliver + S Swingset Tunic Pattern. I added an extra band at the bottom to make it 'dress length'. This is still awaiting a button or two at the back, it has just been so long since I did a button hole that I have lost confidence!
3. Next, the Amy Butler Birdie Sling Bag.
I love the fabric, but don't love the way the handle attaches to the bag.....maybe I just didn't follow the instructions correctly. Anyone else had any problems with it?
4. James all ready for the Kindy Farm visit at daycare....he actually fed the animals this year. He really is growing up. Although, the way he freaked out at the noise of the water going down the drain after his bath tonight, it makes me wonder sometimes, haha...
I had better leave it at that for now. Next post will include a picture of James' Halloween outfit for daycare. I don't 'get' Halloween at daycare, but I can't let him miss out.